· Connor Lopez · Tutorials · 3 min read
Too Much To Handle

Breakfast is a beloved meal that many people associate with vacations and holidays, thanks to indulgent hotel buffet spreads. It’s no wonder that breakfast becomes something to look forward to on weekends.
However, when it comes to finding a breakfast worth splurging on, Warsaw falls short. While the number of restaurants and cafes serving quality breakfasts has increased compared to previous years, a new problem has emerged. Some establishments, with great potential, find themselves overwhelmed and quickly burning out amidst the growing demand.
Imagine a newly opened cafe with perfected recipes and an extensive menu, just what everyone craves. As soon as they open their doors, they experience a surge in popularity. However, while they may have mastered the recipes, they are far from mastering the logistical side of operations. Mishaps, mistakes, inexperienced staff, and miscalculations are almost inevitable. Yet, the buzz of success can create a false sense of achievement, leading them to overlook these issues. Positive reviews may outweigh the negatives, prompting them to expand the menu or open new locations.
Unfortunately, with growth comes a loss of control over operations. A client who loved their first visit on opening day may have an entirely different experience on their second visit. The overwhelmed staff may forget to bring their coffee or even forget their order altogether. This inconsistency can make potential loyal customers hesitate to return, realizing that the food quality and overall experience may decline due to high traffic. It’s alarming how quickly trust can be lost in such circumstances.
I’ve personally witnessed several cafes follow this same path. They start off strong, with impeccable food that fills a void in the market. But as they gain popularity, they begin to neglect the quality of food, service, and customer experiences, leading to a decline in subsequent visits.
Perfecting recipes, offering extensive menus, investing in design and marketing are crucial aspects of opening a restaurant or cafe. However, they are not enough. Mishaps are bound to happen in the beginning, and businesses must be prepared to handle them. The staff and kitchen need to anticipate and manage the influx of customers, especially if the demand is growing rapidly. It’s vital to build a strong foundation, stay prepared for success, and not let it cloud decision-making. Hard work and dedication are essential. Don’t let ego tarnish your business’s reputation before you have a chance to showcase its full potential. Quick success may come easily, but true success lies in sustaining it.